Friday, February 24, 2012

They enderhonicheskye.

Countless chemical reactions occurring in cells and

responsibility for all activities of the body. Together, these reactions are

metabolism of the body. Chemicals, taking part in these reactions

called metabolites.

When a chemical reaction or energy taken in

or released. It depends on the relative strength of bonds broken and bonds formed by

. In ekzerhonicheskih reaction, energy is released around

. Bonds formed stronger bonds

broken. In enderhonicheskye reaction, energy is absorbed from the environment

. Bonds formed weaker bonds

broken. You can also meet the terms exothermic and endothermic reactions

. They describe ekzerhonicheskih and enderhonicheskye reactions at energies >> << released or absorbed heat. In the exothermic reaction temperature >> << neighborhoods increases. In the endothermic reaction temperature

, reduced. Two types of metabolic reactions occur in a cage, "construction"

(anabolism) and "destruction" (catabolism). Anabolic reactions use energy. They enderhonicheskye. In >> << anabolic reactions of small molecules to join to make larger. For example, >> << after condensation reactions that occur in cells are anabolic: << e. >> By NH

eg lasix 7 mg C

eg CH

eg 6CO

catabolic reactions give energy. They ekzerhonicheskih. In >> << catabolic reactions break down large molecules into smaller ones. For example >> <<, reverse condensation reaction described above, i. e hydrolysis reaction is catabolic. Chemical reactions that occur during metabolism affects

on the temperature. Many animals maintain constant temperature, which leads to

relatively stable rates of metabolic reactions. COLD-animals

particularly dependent on ambient temperature - they

more quickly when warm. In cold weather their metabolism slows down dramatically, and it >> << why some cold-blooded animals do hibernate. Surgery is sometimes carried out at low temperatures >> << slow rate of metabolism by the patient during

heart surgery or brain. Molecules are in constant motion. Their bonds vibrate and rotate

. In gases, liquids and solutions of molecules moving around, bumping into one another

. The collision of molecules are able to react with

place, but only if the face of the molecule:

The more collisions between the molecules of

enough energy and proper alignment, the faster the reaction takes place . This is called

theory of collisions. The more molecules present, the faster the reaction. Because reactions occur faster in concentrated solutions than in

solutions that are more diluted. At high temperatures the molecules have more energy than

low temperatures. Therefore collision become more frequent and likely >> << molecules have enough energy anymore. Thus, the reaction rate

chemicals increases with increasing temperature. Some reactions occur in one step. We can imagine

is using energy


Activated complex (or transition state) forms between the reactants and products. This is not "real"

matter in the sense that can be selected and placed in a test tube. But based on different parts of the experimental data is a model pharmacy

, a reaction occurs. Hill energy shows how much energy reacting molecules

should be to "successful" collision, i.10 facts about the immune system e which leads to

reaction. Education activated complex requires energy to bring

molecules together in the correct orientation. Thus, it is always

enderhonicheskye reaction. The energy required is called

activation energy). It is more common for reactions between molecules take place

in the series of successive steps. After each step

reaction intermediate forms. Unlike the activated complex is no real existence. For each step, the activated complex is formed and is connected >> << activation energy. Step with high activation energy

limiting step in the reaction and control how fast the total >> << reaction. In the chemical industry high temperatures and pressures

often used. However, this energy is worth the money. Catalysts make chemical reactions go faster

, and their use in the chemical industry, saving time and money

. cells are very sensitive to temperature and pressure. Catalysts are needed to ensure metabolic reactions occur under conditions

cells can survive. Enzymes are the catalysts of nature. See also.

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