Friday, February 24, 2012

For example, well known in ayurvedic ...

This is the general opinion of most people, vitamins, herbs and nutrients strengthen the immune system. But what does this mean? I devote several chapters to this site to make it more clear. Rompers immune system is primarily responsible for protecting the body from foreign substances or organisms. To do this, you need to distinguish between themselves and non-I. Now understand this complex system involves many organs, cells, systems and chemicals that help protect the body against infections and diseases. This can be done through specific cellular immunity and other non-specific defense mechanisms. Nonspecific immunity (also called natural immunity) developed the first in our evolution, which may explain its less action. Some natural immunity cells, like cells Kupfer, remain largely in the liver buy lasix, where they neutralize toxins of all kinds. Our more specific cellular immunity developed later, and works as a well-trained squad detective who, after receiving fingerprints and collecting evidence of crime, detection and arrest only the specific target of criminals. In the strict scientific sense, but cellular immunity is called the immune system. However, for the purposes of this website, we will consider as specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms should be agreed general arms of the immune system. In this sense, the immune system generally consists of the lymphatic system organs, white blood cells, and various specialized cells and chemicals, such as antibodies. Think of it as a great many army soldiers, tanks, guns, planes, bombs, computers and other resources. Many serious diseases, including HIV, CFIDS, candidiasis, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), chronic viral infections and cancer is characterized by chronic dysfunction of the immune system. Since time immemorial, herbs have been successful in improving weak immune function, and mute hyperactive immune system. Our understanding of how and why that is growing every day. The immune system is more than the cells and organs, of which it consists. As always, it should be considered in the context of a larger whole, and it depends, like all other body parts, the choice of food, digestion, mental exercises, etc. For the simplest of simple understanding, the immune system may be overactive or reduced, in strict accordance with ancient concepts of surplus and deficit. Immune deficiency states give us more susceptible to infections and tumors and immune hyperactivity makes us vulnerable to unwanted inflammation and tissue destruction. Another aspect of immune dysfunction is now recognized in diseases such as amyloidosis, in which abnormal deposits of proteins with immunoglobulin fragments appear in the tissues. Recalling that one of the classic units Ayurveda to help us understand the universal laws in general, we can divide the immune problems into three broad categories for ease of understanding, divided into positive and negative manifestations. - In terms of positive numbers, of wool immune system is well regulated immune system is very sensitive to the slightest changes in the general healthy or outside influnces. In the negative sense, it refers to general immune deficiency, which is the inability to react and adjust properly. It is often necessary to strengthen (feed) or stimulate (wake up) immune and / or function of the nervous system, increasing the number of cells and immune activation. - In a positive sense, Pitt or catabolic part of the immune response is fast, powerful and overwhelmingly aggressive response to microorganisms or toxins. In the negative sense, it refers to immune hyperactivity, which is the predominance of destructive inflammation and fever. It is often necessary to appease (suppress) immune function and reduce inflammatory chemicals, neurotransmitters and triggers. - In terms of positive numbers kapha or anabolic part of the immune response refers to the various factors of growth, remove debris and repair mechanisms remove solid waste and to stimulate restoration of healthy tissue such as nerve growth factor. In the negative sense, it refers to immune problems associated with abnormal where fluids rise, deposits or plaques form quickly and over time. It is often necessary to reduce coagulation, break stagnation and improve circulation. This is just one way of many ways to think about the big picture. The presence in a global perspective such as this is important when trying to find treatment. Understanding the larger and fundamental relationship allows us to see complex relationships that occur at different levels. For example, well known in Ayurvedic medicine, which, when increases Pitta, Vata and Kapha tend to decrease. Ayurvedic physicians have noticed that when patients with inflammatory diseases developed digestive problems and / or nerve symptoms related and vice versa. Currently it is known that at the cellular level, proinflammatory cytokines chemicals (see below) to reprogram metabolism, and directly related to altered nutrient utilization and (Spurlock, 1997). In general, anabolic (kapha) processes interrupted or slowed down, and catabolic (Pitt) activity increases. These observations have important clinical significance, and gave Ayurvedic practice philosophy permission for the development of colon and treatment of digestive system, seemingly not related to inflammatory and nervous system ages ago. This case is being performed scientists as

author of excellent innovative series of monthly film called Chinese medicine another source of research on the use of herbs to regulate the immune system. Basic medical universites China offering college and graduate level in the subject, and admission to these programs is desirable and is limited to only those students who gain high scores on the Chinese national exams. My wife, Dr. Naixin Hu Tillotson, told me to get into these programs is so hard as to get into Harvard or Yeli in a competitive and more complex in terms of hours of training and education required for entrance exams. .

1 comment:

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