Friday, February 24, 2012

Colostrum also fights viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeast.

Many years ago I had the idea breastfeeds for the elderly, who suffered from the collapse of the immune system. I got the idea when I found an obscure reference to Ayurvedic practice in India with the use of colostrum for thousands of years to treat influenza and colds. I assumed that it will be because colostrum somehow strengthen the lasix 12.5mg immune system. Proline-rich polypeptide inhibits the hyperactive immune system and stimulates the immune system low. My method was successful, the most famous man who had treated the Queen Mother, in her seventies, who continued to live another twenty years or so. (Some women breast feeding is always a surplus of milk that is otherwise wasted.) Mother Cherie Booth also recovered from the collapse of the immune system after mixture of human and cow's colostrum. While my son was in the Special Group on Child have complained that her child was in despair on colostrum for health reasons. There was no spare time for other mothers, so I suggested that cow's colostrum be used doses are processed from the average weight of adult dose reduced the weight of the child. It was successful and I was very glad when the baby was named after me! Colostrum also fights viruses, bacteria, fungi and yeast. Active ingredients three times higher in cows and cow colostrum so beneficial to humans. Some drugs given to HIV suffer essentially synthetic copies of some active ingredients in colostrum. Like many people suffering in third world countries because they can not afford expensive drugs may be that colostrum is cost-effective alternative. I try it for yourself. I believe that colostrum gives me more energy and is good for indigestion. It should also be good for middle-age spread, which is not bad, is, according to reverse the accumulation of calcium, which makes bowel slows. Claims of its benefits are impressive, as only a quick search online shows. Colostrum contains immunoglobulin G, total antibody and lactoferrin-p, which helps prevent bacteria from getting iron they need to grow. It also contains FGF fibroblast growth factor that stimulates the growth of fibroblasts, the bodies first line of defense in the muscle and tendon injuries. .

Continue to follow the recommendations in. ..

FDA Drug Safety Communication: Security update for drugs against osteoporosis, bisphosphonates, and atypical fractures

Security Announcements [10-13-2010] Food and Drug Administration (FDA) update the public on the information previously reported describe the risk of atypical hip fractures, known as podvertelnyh and diaphyseal femoral fractures in patients taking bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis. This information will be added to >> << Warning labels of all bisphosphonates drugs approved for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates class of drugs that can be effective in preventing or slowing bone loss (osteoporosis) in postmenopausal women, which reduces the overall risk of osteoporotic fractures. Fractures caused by osteoporosis can lead to pain, hospitalization and surgery. Atypical podvertelnyh fractures of the femur bone fractures just below the hip joint. Diaphyseal fractures of the femur occurring in the long part of the femur. These fractures are very rare and seems to be less than 1% of all hip and hip fractures in general. Although it is not clear if bisphosphonates are the cause of these unusual fractures of the femur were mainly reported in patients taking bisphosphonates. Bisphosphonates, which are affected by this notice only those approved for the treatment of osteoporosis, including

(and their generics). affects bisphosphonates drugs used for treatment of Paget's disease or high blood calcium levels due to cancer (ie, Didronel, Zometa, Skelid, and their generics). Although the optimal duration of bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis is unknown, these atypical fractures may be associated with long-term use of bisphosphonates. FDA requires new restrictions on the use of statement >> << Indications and use of labels for these drugs. This statement will describe the uncertainty of optimal duration of bisphosphonates for the treatment and / or prevention of osteoporosis. Medication Guide will also need to give patients when they raise their prescription bisphosphonates. This guide will describe the symptoms of atypical hip fracture and recommends that patients inform their doctor if they develop symptoms. These actions are part of the ongoing review of safety of bisphosphonates and the emergence of atypical podvertelnyh and diaphyseal fractures of the femur, as announced earlier. More information for patients, if you are currently taking bisphosphonates, you should:

Continue to take medication if you say to stop your doctor. Talk to your doctor if you develop a new hip or thigh pain (usually described as dull or aching pain), or you have a problem with drugs. Please report any side effects of bisphosphonates drugs MedWatch program, FDA, using the information at the bottom of the page in the Contacts. More information for health professionals aware of the risk of atypical podvertelnyh and diaphyseal femoral fractures in patients taking bisphosphonates. Continue to follow the recommendations in the drug label when prescribing bisphosphonates. Discuss the known benefits and potential risks of bisphosphonates in patients. Evaluation of any patient with a new hip or groin pain, to prevent hip fractures. Stop powerful antiresorptive medications (including bisphosphonates) in patients with femoral shaft fracture certificate. Consider a periodic reassessment of the need to continue therapy bisphosphonates, especially in patients treated for 5 years. Please report any side effects when using bisphosphonates to the MedWatch program, FDA, using the information at the bottom of the page in the Contacts. Any information provided to MedWatch should be as detailed and include information on fracture location / configuration, the magnitude of injury, fracture details (complete or incomplete, bilateral or crushed), presence and duration of prodromal thigh or groin pain, duration of bisphosphonates use appropriate medical history and concomitant use of other drugs. Summary FDA has considered all available data, including data contained in the American society for bone and mineral research (ASBMR) Task Force report on bisphosphonates and atypical podvertelnyh and diaphyseal fractures of the femur, released September 14, 2010. These atypical femur fractures can occur in any part of the femur, just below the lower Spit support above nadmyschelkovyh flash, and transverse or oblique brief orientation with no signs of grinding. Fractures may be complete (involving both the cortex) or incomplete (including the lateral cortex only), and may be bilateral. Many patients report prodromal pain in the affected area usually presents as a dull, aching hips, weeks or months until failure occurs. The exact frequency of atypical femoral fractures is unknown, but appears to constitute less than one percent of the thigh and hip fractures in general. Thus, atypical fractures are very rare. Although atypical femoral fractures were mainly reported in patients taking bisphosphonates, they also were reported in patients who did not receive bisphosphonates.

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The optimal duration of bisphosphonates to treat osteoporosis, is unknown. Bisphosphonates drugs approved for preventing and / or treatment of osteoporosis in these clinical trials support the effectiveness of reduction of fracture with at least 3 years of treatment, and in some cases after 5 years. FDA is continuing its assessment of the data to prove safety and efficacy of long-term use (more lasix drug interactions than 3 to 5 years) bisphosphonates for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis and provide additional instructions to complete our review. Therefore, FDA continues to review the current safety of bisphosphonates and the emergence of atypical fractures of the femur. As this message, FDA, patients notice and medical professionals new >> << Warnings and Precautions information that is added to this risk on the labels of all bisphosphonates products approved for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. New restrictions on the use of statement will describe the uncertainty of optimal duration of bisphosphonates for the treatment and / or prevention of osteoporosis. In addition, FDA requires that Medication Guide be included in all bisphosphonates drugs approved for osteoporosis indications to better inform patients risk of hip fractures atypical. Shane E, D Burr, Ebelinh PR and others. Atypical podvertelnyh and diaphyseal fractures of the femur: report of the Task Force American Society of bone and mineral research [published before printing]. Journal of bone and mineral research. 2010,. On September 17, 2010. .

For example, well known in ayurvedic ...

This is the general opinion of most people, vitamins, herbs and nutrients strengthen the immune system. But what does this mean? I devote several chapters to this site to make it more clear. Rompers immune system is primarily responsible for protecting the body from foreign substances or organisms. To do this, you need to distinguish between themselves and non-I. Now understand this complex system involves many organs, cells, systems and chemicals that help protect the body against infections and diseases. This can be done through specific cellular immunity and other non-specific defense mechanisms. Nonspecific immunity (also called natural immunity) developed the first in our evolution, which may explain its less action. Some natural immunity cells, like cells Kupfer, remain largely in the liver buy lasix, where they neutralize toxins of all kinds. Our more specific cellular immunity developed later, and works as a well-trained squad detective who, after receiving fingerprints and collecting evidence of crime, detection and arrest only the specific target of criminals. In the strict scientific sense, but cellular immunity is called the immune system. However, for the purposes of this website, we will consider as specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms should be agreed general arms of the immune system. In this sense, the immune system generally consists of the lymphatic system organs, white blood cells, and various specialized cells and chemicals, such as antibodies. Think of it as a great many army soldiers, tanks, guns, planes, bombs, computers and other resources. Many serious diseases, including HIV, CFIDS, candidiasis, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), chronic viral infections and cancer is characterized by chronic dysfunction of the immune system. Since time immemorial, herbs have been successful in improving weak immune function, and mute hyperactive immune system. Our understanding of how and why that is growing every day. The immune system is more than the cells and organs, of which it consists. As always, it should be considered in the context of a larger whole, and it depends, like all other body parts, the choice of food, digestion, mental exercises, etc. For the simplest of simple understanding, the immune system may be overactive or reduced, in strict accordance with ancient concepts of surplus and deficit. Immune deficiency states give us more susceptible to infections and tumors and immune hyperactivity makes us vulnerable to unwanted inflammation and tissue destruction. Another aspect of immune dysfunction is now recognized in diseases such as amyloidosis, in which abnormal deposits of proteins with immunoglobulin fragments appear in the tissues. Recalling that one of the classic units Ayurveda to help us understand the universal laws in general, we can divide the immune problems into three broad categories for ease of understanding, divided into positive and negative manifestations. - In terms of positive numbers, of wool immune system is well regulated immune system is very sensitive to the slightest changes in the general healthy or outside influnces. In the negative sense, it refers to general immune deficiency, which is the inability to react and adjust properly. It is often necessary to strengthen (feed) or stimulate (wake up) immune and / or function of the nervous system, increasing the number of cells and immune activation. - In a positive sense, Pitt or catabolic part of the immune response is fast, powerful and overwhelmingly aggressive response to microorganisms or toxins. In the negative sense, it refers to immune hyperactivity, which is the predominance of destructive inflammation and fever. It is often necessary to appease (suppress) immune function and reduce inflammatory chemicals, neurotransmitters and triggers. - In terms of positive numbers kapha or anabolic part of the immune response refers to the various factors of growth, remove debris and repair mechanisms remove solid waste and to stimulate restoration of healthy tissue such as nerve growth factor. In the negative sense, it refers to immune problems associated with abnormal where fluids rise, deposits or plaques form quickly and over time. It is often necessary to reduce coagulation, break stagnation and improve circulation. This is just one way of many ways to think about the big picture. The presence in a global perspective such as this is important when trying to find treatment. Understanding the larger and fundamental relationship allows us to see complex relationships that occur at different levels. For example, well known in Ayurvedic medicine, which, when increases Pitta, Vata and Kapha tend to decrease. Ayurvedic physicians have noticed that when patients with inflammatory diseases developed digestive problems and / or nerve symptoms related and vice versa. Currently it is known that at the cellular level, proinflammatory cytokines chemicals (see below) to reprogram metabolism, and directly related to altered nutrient utilization and (Spurlock, 1997). In general, anabolic (kapha) processes interrupted or slowed down, and catabolic (Pitt) activity increases. These observations have important clinical significance, and gave Ayurvedic practice philosophy permission for the development of colon and treatment of digestive system, seemingly not related to inflammatory and nervous system ages ago. This case is being performed scientists as

author of excellent innovative series of monthly film called Chinese medicine another source of research on the use of herbs to regulate the immune system. Basic medical universites China offering college and graduate level in the subject, and admission to these programs is desirable and is limited to only those students who gain high scores on the Chinese national exams. My wife, Dr. Naixin Hu Tillotson, told me to get into these programs is so hard as to get into Harvard or Yeli in a competitive and more complex in terms of hours of training and education required for entrance exams. .



members of the new class of drugs reduces

joint damage associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis

(RA) is an inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness

, and progressive loss of function in joints. Two studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine estimated

effectiveness of inhibitors of TNF, drugs that neutralize

inflammatory protein, known as

tumor necrosis factor (TNF). TNF in excessive quantities in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

and is believed responsible for most of >> << joint damage in RA. In one study conducted at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore

, etanertsept (Enbrel) was compared with methotrexate in 632

patients with early-stage rheumatoid arthritis. Etanertsept

acted more quickly to decrease symptoms than methotrexate. In addition, etanertsept was more effective in slowing the progress >> << joint erosion, velocity joint damage, measured

X-rays, was significantly reduced in etanertsept group in comparison with the

methotrexate group. After one year of treatment, 72

etanertsept percent of patients had no progress in joint erosion >> << compared with 60 percent of the methotrexate patients.

The second study conducted at the University of Texas

Medical Center in Dallas, and 428 patients with chronic

active rheumatoid arthritis for 12 months. Researchers >> << found that the combination of TNF inhibitors ynflyksymab (Remykeyd)

and methotrexate significantly reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and

stop the progression of joint damage compared to methotrexate treatment

only. Approximately 52 percent of patients receiving

ynflyksymab and methotrexate combination showed symptom reduction >> << compared to only 17 percent methotrexate patients. X-ray examination showed that joint damage stopped in

patients receiving the drug combination. In addition, joint damage

declined to 40-55 percent of patients on combination therapy, which means

, that some damage was repaired. Meanwhile, joint damage

progressed to the group that received only methotrexate. Combination therapy

, which is well tolerated and significantly improved quality of life

. Methotrexate, the standard treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

was approved by more than a decade ago to treat certain types of arthritis

and skin diseases. However, it can cause serious side effects

, including liver damage. In contrast, both inhibitors of TNF

well. An estimated one percent of the adult U.S. population has rheumatoid arthritis

, and is about two to three times more common in

women than men. The new

Medicines approved for the treatment of eczema Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, inherited skin disease

causes redness what are the side effects of lasix, itching and discharge damage.

emphysema nursing interventions
It mainly affects children

but can survive in adulthood. Doctors often prescribe oral or

corticosteroids for severe cases. But while steroids

very effective in soothing inflammation, they may have adverse effects >> << parties. Steroid creams can cause thinning of the skin and

decreased collagen production, and oral corticosteroids may be

more serious side effects. Now dermatologists have great hopes for a new tacrolimus ointment

(Protopic), which was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of moderate-severe eczema >> << patients who can not tolerate or do not adequately assist standard

treatments. FDA has approved tacrolimus-based

with three 12-week study in which 90% improvement in

one-third of patients who used drugs. Two additional one year

research and reviewed FDA, has shown that adults

, who used the drug intermittently during the year was

no side effects except temporary burning and stinging. For

tacrolimus may increase sensitivity to ultraviolet (UV)

users should avoid sunshine, tanning, and treatment with UVA

or UV light. Corticosteroids are very effective in reducing inflammation. These drugs

may be taken in many forms: injected directly into >> << shoulder to treat tendonitis, inhaled into the lungs to calm inflammation

characteristic of asthma, or in the form of creams to treat skin rash. Tablets

form (usually prednisone, prednisolone) may be used for

treatment of diseases such as arthritis or lupus. One of the serious side effects

while taking these drugs for long periods is loss of bone mass

fact, osteoporosis. Bisphosphonates drugs (use

to treat osteoporosis) has been shown to prevent bone loss associated with

corticosteroids. Recent studies have confirmed that the new

developed bisphosphonates, ryzedronat helped prevent bone loss associated with

use of steroids. While improved treatment ryzedronat

bone mineral density is too early to tell for sure if it

can reduce fracture among patients on steroids. .

Our specialists will be assigned different ...

UT Southwestern Medical Center physicians have expertise and medical resources necessary for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment of emphysema. More than three million Americans have been diagnosed with emphysema, and our experts will give patients access to the most effective treatments. Tests and examinations team approach gives patients access to the necessary expertise to accurately diagnose and treat their emphysema. UT Southwesterns pulmonologists to accurately determine the best course of action for patients, diagnosis and treatment, and offer the most advanced medical options available in a caring and compassionate environment. Treatment of emphysema develops gradually, and patients may experience increased symptoms such as shortness of breath on exertion or normal activity. In emphysema, the lungs lose their elasticity and are less able to carry oxygen in the blood. Our experts can help emphysema patients reduce symptoms, to live more comfortably and slow or prevent the progression of emphysema. Our doctors and researchers advise patients on measures to reduce symptoms, including non-smoking. Quitting smoking is the most important factor in reducing emphysema.vitamins to help immune system Our experts will lasix 500 mg assign different treatments to help patients control their emphysema, which, depending on their condition, may include broncholytic drugs, antibiotics, exercise, steroids or surgery. Training patients in severe cases, emphysema, UT Southwestern surgeons can perform light reduction of the operation. The operation involves removing the patient of the lungs, allowing other parts of the lungs to function more efficiently. The most severe cases of emphysema may be right. Over the past 30 months, our lung transplant program has been rated the best in the country to achieve high survival rates for a period of one year after the transplant patients. Because lung transplant program began in 1990, it consistently ranks among the top 10 in the U.S.. For more information, please visit. .

If you already have emphysema, not smoking ...

Emphysema is a type (COPD) involving damage to air sacs (alveoli) in lungs. As a result, your body is not getting >> << oxygen it needs. Emphysema makes it hard to catch breath. You can lasix 80 mg also

with chronic cough and breathing problems during exercise. The most common cause is smoking cigarettes. If you smoke,

can help prevent you from disease. If you already have emphysema, giving up smoking can prevent this >> << worse.usn muscle anabolic Treatment depends on whether your symptoms are mild, moderate or severe. Treatments include inhalers, oxygen, medications and sometimes surgery to relieve symptoms and prevent >> << complications. .

What is the cause of emphysema?

Emphysema is a chronic (long) lung disease that can worsen over time. This is usually caused by smoking. The presence of emphysema means some of the air sacs in the lungs are damaged, which makes it difficult to breath. Emphysema is part of the lung disease known as COPD. We offer plenty of information about COPD, including emphysema, in our. What is the cause of emphysema? Smoking: In most cases, pulmonary emphysema caused by smoking .. If you have emphysema from cigarettes, the best way to stop the damage to the lungs is to quit smoking as soon as possible .. Alpha-1 antitrypsin: Some people with emphysema due to a rare genetic disease called. People with alpha-1 is not an enzyme that protects the lungs. Some people with alpha-1 deficiency get emphysema, never smoked. Other people emphysema through a combination of smoking and alpha-1 deficiency. Air pollution, including secondhand smoke

: There is some evidence that air pollution may help people get emphysema, especially in people who also smoke. People may think that feeling short of breath is a normal sign of aging, but it is not. If you have these signs and symptoms, seek medical help. , A simple test that measures how much air you get out of the lungs. These signs and symptoms do not disappear over time they will be even worse. The earlier you go to the doctor, the sooner you learn how to feel better. As emphysema diagnosed? To find out if you have emphysema, your doctor may do some of these tests:

medical examination, including listening to the lungs and respiratory sounds. There is no cure for emphysema, but you can slow the disease and make it easier to live with the symptoms. Quit smoking and stay away from smoky places. By quitting smoking you can slow down emphysema .. Which may include tablets, yhlobryuhy and oxygen. , A specialized training program .. What can I lasix 60 mg expect from emphysema? People with emphysema may live long after their diagnosis. If you have emphysema, how long you live depends on many things:

you continue to smoke, reduce or quit (the reduction is only the beginning, the output is the best!)

People with emphysema will eventually die from it, or from complications from it. recurring infections breast, including pneumonia, influenza (influeza), cold and cold. pulmonary heart enlargement and strain on the right side of the heart.what causes poor immune system This can lead to heart failure. If you have emphysema and you smoke, it is very important. Consult your doctor for

so that you will live as long and as comfortable life as possible. Many people with emphysema / COPD find ways to enjoy happy and productive life despite the disease. It is also important to talk to your doctor and family about what care you need in the future, and. Emphysema worsens with time, if you continue to smoke or breathe dirty air. The loss will not stop until you stop smoking and stop breathing dirty air. By

out, you can not undo damage already done, but you can protect your lungs from damage more. Where can I get more information, help and support? If you or someone you love was COPD (emphysema), you can get free, confidential advice and support through our BreathWorks COPD trust. Nurse or pulmonology of expertise COPD (emphysema) will answer your questions. Call lung association free BreathWorks COPD hotline: 1-866-717-2673. .

They enderhonicheskye.

Countless chemical reactions occurring in cells and

responsibility for all activities of the body. Together, these reactions are

metabolism of the body. Chemicals, taking part in these reactions

called metabolites.

When a chemical reaction or energy taken in

or released. It depends on the relative strength of bonds broken and bonds formed by

. In ekzerhonicheskih reaction, energy is released around

. Bonds formed stronger bonds

broken. In enderhonicheskye reaction, energy is absorbed from the environment

. Bonds formed weaker bonds

broken. You can also meet the terms exothermic and endothermic reactions

. They describe ekzerhonicheskih and enderhonicheskye reactions at energies >> << released or absorbed heat. In the exothermic reaction temperature >> << neighborhoods increases. In the endothermic reaction temperature

, reduced. Two types of metabolic reactions occur in a cage, "construction"

(anabolism) and "destruction" (catabolism). Anabolic reactions use energy. They enderhonicheskye. In >> << anabolic reactions of small molecules to join to make larger. For example, >> << after condensation reactions that occur in cells are anabolic: << e. >> By NH

eg lasix 7 mg C

eg CH

eg 6CO

catabolic reactions give energy. They ekzerhonicheskih. In >> << catabolic reactions break down large molecules into smaller ones. For example >> <<, reverse condensation reaction described above, i. e hydrolysis reaction is catabolic. Chemical reactions that occur during metabolism affects

on the temperature. Many animals maintain constant temperature, which leads to

relatively stable rates of metabolic reactions. COLD-animals

particularly dependent on ambient temperature - they

more quickly when warm. In cold weather their metabolism slows down dramatically, and it >> << why some cold-blooded animals do hibernate. Surgery is sometimes carried out at low temperatures >> << slow rate of metabolism by the patient during

heart surgery or brain. Molecules are in constant motion. Their bonds vibrate and rotate

. In gases, liquids and solutions of molecules moving around, bumping into one another

. The collision of molecules are able to react with

place, but only if the face of the molecule:

The more collisions between the molecules of

enough energy and proper alignment, the faster the reaction takes place . This is called

theory of collisions. The more molecules present, the faster the reaction. Because reactions occur faster in concentrated solutions than in

solutions that are more diluted. At high temperatures the molecules have more energy than

low temperatures. Therefore collision become more frequent and likely >> << molecules have enough energy anymore. Thus, the reaction rate

chemicals increases with increasing temperature. Some reactions occur in one step. We can imagine

is using energy


Activated complex (or transition state) forms between the reactants and products. This is not "real"

matter in the sense that can be selected and placed in a test tube. But based on different parts of the experimental data is a model pharmacy

, a reaction occurs. Hill energy shows how much energy reacting molecules

should be to "successful" collision, i.10 facts about the immune system e which leads to

reaction. Education activated complex requires energy to bring

molecules together in the correct orientation. Thus, it is always

enderhonicheskye reaction. The energy required is called

activation energy). It is more common for reactions between molecules take place

in the series of successive steps. After each step

reaction intermediate forms. Unlike the activated complex is no real existence. For each step, the activated complex is formed and is connected >> << activation energy. Step with high activation energy

limiting step in the reaction and control how fast the total >> << reaction. In the chemical industry high temperatures and pressures

often used. However, this energy is worth the money. Catalysts make chemical reactions go faster

, and their use in the chemical industry, saving time and money

. cells are very sensitive to temperature and pressure. Catalysts are needed to ensure metabolic reactions occur under conditions

cells can survive. Enzymes are the catalysts of nature. See also.